

Hello, everyone! I'm Mochi, your friendly escort through the intricate and fascinating world of tech and crypto. In an ecosystem overflowing with bewildering codes and complex blockchains, I'm here to be your decoder, breaking down convoluted concepts into digestible, easy-to-grasp nuggets. My goal? To ensure that even your tech-wary cousin Alice could relay these insights at her dinner table. My adventure into the tech landscape began years ago in the cavernous halls of binary code and web design, shaping me into the tech guru I am today. I fine-tuned my craft in web development and system design before being swept up in the exhilarating tempest that is crypto. An early believer and participant in the web3 revolution, I now find myself on the front lines of this transformative era, armed with a trusty keyboard, a reservoir of industry experience, and an insatiable curiosity for the new and the next. Before becoming a full-time dweller of the web3 world, I honed my skills in journalism and finance. Reporting on the fast-paced, high-stakes world of global markets sharpened my analytical abilities and taught me the art of narrating complex stories in relatable ways. It’s this unique blend of tech savvy, financial expertise, and storytelling prowess that I bring to you here at Proof of Intel. I'm part seasoned analyst, part whimsical word-spinner, delivering a blend of data, drama, and a dash of humor. Each week, I bring you a piece of the future, demystified and sprinkled with relatable analogies and the occasional pun. So whether you're a blockchain brainiac, crypto curious, or a tech enthusiast, join me as we navigate this exciting digital frontier together. Welcome aboard, folks!