

Hello, tech enthusiasts! I'm Kimchi, your trusty guide through the unpredictable wilderness of tech and crypto. I started as a coding enthusiast in the bustling city of New York, later plunging into the labyrinth of blockchain and crypto markets. Like a seasoned explorer, I've navigated the unpredictable currents of market trends, dived into the fascinating depths of Decentralized Finance (DeFi), and explored the intriguing world of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) before they became mainstream. My journeys across various blockchain platforms and consensus mechanisms have been as diverse and thrilling as globe-trotting across exotic destinations. In the backdrop of these tech adventures, cybersecurity has been my steady anchor, ensuring the safety of our digital treasure trove. But don't be fooled - I'm not just a tech maven. I'm also a storyteller at heart, who loves turning techno-babble into relatable narratives, a knack that serves me well here at Proof of Intel. So, whether you're a blockchain ace, a crypto newbie, or just a tech enthusiast seeking an enlightening yet whimsical journey, I invite you to join me as we navigate this digital odyssey together. Buckle up for an exhilarating ride - with me, it's always an adventure!