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  • Julian Assange's Freedom Flight, Dell's Crypto Tease, 50 Cent's Hack Attack, and Hong Kong's Web3 Cookbook!

Julian Assange's Freedom Flight, Dell's Crypto Tease, 50 Cent's Hack Attack, and Hong Kong's Web3 Cookbook!

From WikiLeaks to Wall Street, hip-hop to Hong Kong, we're decoding the latest crypto capers and policy plotlines. Buckle up for a newsletter that's part legal thriller, part tech mystery, with a dash of global intrigue!

Hey there, PoI readers! πŸ₯³

It's your favorite crypto connoisseur, Mochi, back with another serving of tantalizing tech and web3 news. From Assange's freedom flight to Dell's crypto tease, 50 Cent's digital drama to Hong Kong's Web3 cookbook, we've got a smorgasbord of digital delights to dish out. So, grab your favorite beverage, settle in, and let's dive into this week's web3 wonderland! 🌐🍡


🟧 Julian Assange was freed from a London prison after more than five years and will not be extradited to the United States after agreeing to a plea deal with authorities.

🟧 Michael Dell's cryptic tweet sparks speculation about potential Bitcoin investment following a $2.1 billion cash-out from Dell Technologies.

🟧 Rapper 50 Cent claims his X account was hacked to promote a memecoin scam, highlighting the growing trend of celebrity-associated cryptocurrency launches.

🟧 Hong Kong's Legislative Council is seeking global input on Web3 and digital asset policies to position itself as a leading innovation hub.

Wikileaks Founder Assange Flies Free as US Plea Deal Unlocks Prison Gates

Julian Assange, the man who made governments squirm and gave "leak" a whole new meaning, has just pulled off his greatest escape yet.

After more than five years of doing the prison rock in London's Belmarsh, Assange is now breathing free air thanks to a plea deal that's more surprising than finding out your cat can code. The WikiLeaks founder has agreed to plead guilty to one count of conspiracy to obtain and disclose U.S. national defense information. In return, he's looking at a sentence of... drumroll please... time already served!

That's right, folks. Assange has effectively turned his prison stint into the world's longest "Get Out of Jail Free" card. His sentencing hearing is set for June 25 at 11 pm UTC on the exotic island of Saipan. Because nothing says "international intrigue" quite like a tropical paradise, right?

But wait, there's more! WikiLeaks dropped a digital bombshell, tweeting that Assange has not only been granted bail but has already boarded a flight out of the U.K. Next stop: his native Australia, where the shrimp on the barbie await!

Now, let's rewind to 2010, when Assange and WikiLeaks became household names by publishing over 700,000 classified U.S. documents. This move was about as popular with the U.S. government as a porcupine at a balloon factory. PayPal promptly cut off WikiLeaks' account, forcing them to turn to a then, little-known currency called... Bitcoin.

Yes, you heard that right. Assange and WikiLeaks were into Bitcoin before it was cool. This caught the attention of Bitcoin's mysterious creator, Satoshi Nakamoto, who warned WikiLeaks not to use Bitcoin, fearing the attention "would likely destroy us at this stage."

Fast forward to 2019, and Assange found himself dragged out of Ecuador's London embassy (where he'd been playing the world's longest game of hide-and-seek) and thrown into Belmarsh prison, notoriously known as "Hellmarsh" due to the fact that Belmarsh is considered the toughest prison in the UK. Since then, he's been fighting extradition to the U.S. harder than a cat fights a bath.

While Assange's supporters are popping champagne (or maybe uncorking some digital blockchain bubbly), press freedom advocates are still grumbling. They argue that publishing information isn't a crime and that the charges against Assange were a bigger threat to free speech than a librarian with a megaphone.

Julian Assange has been freed from prison after agreeing to a plea deal with U.S. authorities.
He's expected to plead guilty to one charge and be sentenced for time served in the U.K.
Assange has reportedly left the U.K. and is returning to his native Australia.

Is Dell Ready to Byte into Bitcoin? A Cryptic Tweet Sends the Tech World into a Frenzy!

Michael Dell, the tech titan behind Dell Technologies, just dropped a digital bombshell that's got the crypto community buzzing faster than a overclocked CPU. With a tweet that simply read, "Scarcity creates value," Dell sparked more speculation than a conspiracy theorist at a UFO convention.

Now, you might be thinking, "Mochi, isn't that just a random tweet?" But, let me tell you, In the world of Bitcoin, those three words are practically a mating call.

But wait, there's more! Michael didn't stop there. He went full Cookie Monster mode, reposting a reply from Bitcoin evangelist Michael Saylor along with an image of the blue, googly-eyed muppet munching on some delicious Bitcoin cookies.

Now, let's talk turkey (or should I say, Bitcoin pizza?). This tasty tweet comes hot on the heels of Dell cashing out a cool $2.1 billion from his Dell Technologies stock. That's billion with a 'B', folks - enough to buy a small country or, you know, a metric ton of Bitcoin.

But here's where it gets really interesting. Dell Technologies is sitting on a $5.83 billion cash pile. If they decided to dip their toes into the crypto pool with just 1% of that (a measly $58.3 million - pocket change, really), they could potentially see that investment double in just one year. Talk about a return on investment that would make even Warren Buffett's head spin!

Speaking of the Oracle of Omaha, our analysis shows that if old Warren had allocated just 1% of Berkshire Hathaway's portfolio to Bitcoin five years ago, he could have boosted returns from 214% to 240%.

So, will Dell take the plunge and join the likes of MicroStrategy in the Bitcoin big leagues? Only time will tell. But one thing's for sure - in the fast-paced world of tech and crypto, standing still is the same as moving backwards. As Joe Consorti from the Bitcoin Layer put it, "You're simply not working in the best interest of your shareholders if you ignore this without reason."

Michael Dell's cryptic tweet hints at potential Bitcoin investment.
Dell Technologies has $5.83 billion in cash reserves; a 1% Bitcoin allocation could yield significant returns.
Experts suggest ignoring Bitcoin might not be in shareholders' best interests.

50 Cent's Crypto Cents-less: Rapper Claims Hack in Memecoin Mayhem!

50 Cent just got a lesson in crypto that's worth way more than his namesake. The rap mogul, known for getting rich or dying tryin', found himself in a sticky situation that had nothing to do with candy shops and everything to do with digital dough.

In a plot twist worthy of an 8 Mile rap battle, 50 Cent (aka Curtis James Jackson III) dropped a bombshell on his 32.8 million Instagram followers. He claimed his X account and website were hacked faster than you can say "P.I.M.P." The culprits? A bunch of crypto-crooks looking to make a quick buck... or 300 million of them!

These digital desperados created a token called "GUNIT" (Get it? Like G-Unit? Oh, the cleverness!) and used Fiddy's massive X following to pump up the price. Then, faster than you can say "rug pull," they yanked the virtual carpet out from under investors, sending the token's value plummeting faster than a lead balloon.

Now, 50 claims this scam netted the hackers a cool $300 million in just 30 minutes. That's more than most of us make in... well, ever! But hold your horses, folks. Our crack team of newsletter investigators (read: Mochi armed with a calculator and a strong cup of coffee) found that the actual trading volume was closer to $19.4 million. Still a hefty sum, but let's not get carried away, Fiddy!

But wait, there's more! This isn't just a one-off incident. We're seeing more celebrities dipping their toes into the crypto pool than at a Hollywood pool party. Take Caitlyn Jenner, for instance. She recently launched her own token, the aptly named JENNER, in a move that left the crypto community more confused than a chameleon in a bag of Skittles.

First, Jenner's account was posting about "favorite memecoins," then the post vanished faster than my motivation on a Monday morning. But fear not! Jenner doubled down harder than a blackjack player with a hot hand, insisting she's "fully focused" on her token.

50 Cent claims his X account was hacked to promote a memecoin scam, allegedly netting hackers millions.
Celebrity-associated cryptocurrency launches are on the rise, with Caitlyn Jenner recently entering the memecoin market.
These incidents highlight the importance of due diligence in cryptocurrency investments, regardless of celebrity endorsements.

Hong Kong Stirs the Global Crypto Pot with Bold Web3 Policy Initiative

The Hong Kong Legislative Council is reaching out to the world, asking for a dash of this and a pinch of that to create the perfect recipe for Web3 and digital asset policies.

Leading this culinary crypto adventure is Johnny NG Kit-Chong, a member of the Legislative Council who's clearly not afraid to ask for directions in the labyrinth of blockchain. He's put out the call on X (formerly Twitter, for those who've been living under a blockchain) for industry players worldwide to toss their ideas into the Hong Kong policy wok.

So, what's on the menu? Well, the Council has whipped up a Subcommittee on Web3 and Virtual Asset Development. Fancy name aside, these folks are serious about making Hong Kong the Gordon Ramsay of the crypto world - minus the yelling, we hope.

They're looking for input on everything from balancing tech and legal frameworks (imagine trying to balance a teacup on a blockchain) to enhancing international cooperation (because let's face it, even in Web3, it takes a global village). They're even exploring the convergence of AI and Web3 - it's like arranging a blind date between ChatGPT and Bitcoin!

But wait, there's more! They're also cooking up plans for DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations). It's like they're trying to create a digital version of the United Nations, but with better voting systems and fewer parking violations.

On the digital asset front, Hong Kong is looking to beef up investor protection. They want to make sure that when you're swimming in the crypto pool, there's a lifeguard on duty. They're also eyeing stablecoins, trying to figure out if they're more "stable" or more "coin" - it's like trying to determine if a platypus is more duck or beaver.

Now, before you think it's all sunshine and mooncakes in Hong Kong's crypto scene, there's a plot twist. The number of crypto exchanges seeking licenses in Hong Kong is dropping faster than a failed ICO. In May, two exchanges, IBTCEX and QuanXLab, said "sayonara" to their applications. It's like they showed up for the party but left before the karaoke started.

Hong Kong's Legislative Council is seeking global input on Web3 and digital asset policies.
The initiative covers various aspects including regulatory frameworks, international cooperation, and the convergence of AI and Web3.
Despite this push, there's a decline in crypto exchanges seeking operational licenses in Hong Kong.

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And there you have it, my beloved PoI readers! We've journeyed through the crypto cosmos, from whistleblower revelations to corporate crypto flirtations, celebrity scandals to policy innovations. I hope this edition left you feeling both enlightened and entertained. Remember, in the world of Web3, every day is a new adventure!
Until our next rendezvous in the digital realm, this is Mochi, signing off with a virtual fortune cookie: "May your tokens always moon and your keys stay forever safe." πŸ₯ βœ¨ 
Don't forget to share your thoughts, memes, and favorite crypto dad jokes with us. In the PoI community, every voice echoes through the blockchain! πŸ“£β€οΈ Share the newsletter and spread the crypto cheer!

πŸ¨πŸ“° Catch you in the next issue! πŸ“°πŸ¨

Intel Drop #95

Disclaimer: The insights we share here at Proof of Intel (PoI) are all about stoking your tech curiosity, not steering your wallet. So, please don't take anything we say as financial advice. For all money matters, consult with a certified professional. -