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The New Solana Pump.Fun Algorithm Tool, Tether Profits & More!

Get ready to elevate your trading experience with this new pump.fun tool

Hey there, PoI readers! 🌟 

It's your favorite crypto connoisseur, Mochi, back with another serving of tantalizing tech and web3 news. From Tether's mind-boggling profits and BitClout's founder's legal troubles to Kamala Harris's crypto courtship and the exciting APE IT smart money algorithm tool, we've got a smorgasbord of delights to dive into. So, grab your favorite beverage, settle into your comfiest chair, and let's embark on this thrilling journey through the crypto cosmos! πŸŒπŸ’Ό


🟧 APE IT, a smart money trading tool designed to provide unparalleled insights and real-time data for trading fresh tokens on the Solana blockchain is about to release

🟧 Tether reports a staggering $5.2 billion profit in the first half of 2024, with its US Treasury reserve growing to $97.6 billion.

🟧 The SEC charges BitClout founder Nader Al-Naji with fraud, alleging misuse of $257 million in unregistered securities and personal spending of $7 million in investor funds.

🟧 VP Kamala Harris's campaign reaches out to major crypto companies to repair strained relations between the Democratic Party and the crypto industry.

Get Ready to APE IT: The Ultimate PumpFun Smart Alert Tool!

At Proof of Intel, we are always on the lookout for the latest innovations in the crypto world, and today we’re excited to share an exclusive preview of a smart algorithmic new tool: APE IT. This powerful trading tool is designed to help you navigate the dynamic world of fresh tokens on Solana via Pump.fun.


Real-Time Insights: APE IT's advanced algorithms provide up-to-the-minute data and analysis, helping you stay ahead of the market.

User-Friendly: With seamless integration into the APE IT Telegram interface, you can start trading quickly and efficiently.

Comprehensive Analytics: From tracking developer activity to verifying contract addresses and assessing token diversity.

Exclusive Access: With limited slots available, this is a unique opportunity to be at the forefront of crypto trading innovation.

Check out their Twitter for reviews from private beta users reporting impressive gains with the algorithm.

Over 1,300 traders have already signed up for early access to APE IT. Don’t miss your chance to be part of this smart tool just fill out this simple FORM. All you need is simple info – no blood samples or firstborn children required (we're revolutionaries, not vampires).

So, keep your eyes peeled and your clicking finger ready. This opportunity is hotter than a overclocked mining rig, and you don't want to be left in the digital dust.

The upcoming launch promises exclusive access to advanced trading tools and insights for Pump.Fun Launches.
Over 1,300+ traders have already signed up for a chance to gain access to the limited spots.
You can join by filling out a simple form at https://tally.so/r/mK0k0K

Tether's Billion Dollar Bonanza Surfing the Stablecoin Tsunami

Tether raked in a mind-boggling $5.2 billion profit in just the first half of 2024. That's not a typo, folks. We're talking billions with a "B," as in "Boy, I wish I had invested in Tether instead of that potato chip company that only makes left-curved chips."

But wait, there's more! Tether's piggy bank is now bursting at the seams with a US Treasury portfolio worth a cool $97.6 billion. To put that in perspective, it's like Tether went from playing Monopoly to actually owning half of Park Place. Their Treasury stash is now bigger than the reserves of all but 17 countries in the world. Sorry, Germany, UAE, and Australia – Tether just crashed your exclusive club.

Now, I know what you're thinking: "But, how can we trust these numbers? Did Tether just pull them out of a crypto hat?" Fear not, skeptical friends! These figures come straight from an attestation by BDO, an independent accounting firm. It's like having your mom count your Halloween candy – you can trust it, but you still might want to double-check the good stuff.

The total market cap of USDT is sitting pretty at around $114 billion, which is more money than I've seen since I accidentally opened the "high rollers" tab on my favorite exchange. Tether's total reserves are flexing even harder at over $118 billion. It's like they're playing financial Jenga, but instead of wooden blocks, they're stacking piles of cash.

But Tether isn't just hoarding all this treasure like a crypto dragon. They're reinvesting in everything from sustainable energy to Bitcoin mining, and from AI to neurotech. It's like they're playing a real-life version of Civilization, but with actual money instead of gold coins.

And here's the kicker: stablecoins like Tether are becoming so popular, they're processing more payments than Visa. That's right, more than $4 trillion in volume. It's like the entire world decided to ditch their credit cards and jump on the stablecoin bandwagon.

Tether reported a massive $5.2 billion profit in the first half of 2024.
Their US Treasury portfolio has grown to $97.6 billion, surpassing most countries' reserves.
Stablecoins are processing over $4 trillion in payments, outpacing traditional financial giants.

BitClout Blunder Founder's Alleged Fraud Shakes Decentralization

On July 30, the Securities and Exchange Commission decided to play party pooper and crash Al-Naji's crypto bash. Nader Al-Naji is the mastermind behind BitClout They're accusing him of pulling a fast one with $257 million in unregistered securities through BitClout's native token, BTCLT. But wait, there's more! The SEC claims Al-Naji took a page out of the "How to Misuse Funds 101" handbook and went on a $7 million shopping spree.

Now, I know what you're thinking: "Mochi, $7 million isn't that much in the crypto world." But hold onto your hardware wallets, folks! This isn't about buying extra servers or hiring more developers. Oh no, we're talking luxury mansions in Beverly Hills and cash gifts to family members. It's like he was playing real-life Monopoly with investor money!

Securities and Exchange Commission complaint. Source: SEC

But the plot thickens faster than a badly written crypto whitepaper. The SEC alleges that Al-Naji was playing a game of "Decentralized Dress-Up." He supposedly told everyone BitClout was as decentralized as a blockchain potluck, with no single entity in control. Meanwhile, behind the scenes, he was allegedly pulling strings like a crypto puppet master.

Gurbir S. Grewal, the SEC's enforcer-in-chief, didn't mince words. He claimed Al-Naji thought being "fake decentralized" would confuse regulators faster than you can say "blockchain." Spoiler alert: It didn't work.

Now, before we get too carried away, let's remember there are always two sides to every crypto coin. Jordan and Luke Lintz, the dynamic duo behind HighKey Agency (which has its fingers in the DeSo pie), are singing a different tune. They claim the SEC's beef is with BitClout, not DeSo, and that DeSo's treasure chest remains untouched. It's like watching a high-stakes game of "Not It!" in the crypto playground.

The SEC charges BitClout founder Nader Al-Naji with fraud involving $257 million in unregistered securities.
Al-Naji allegedly spent $7 million on personal luxuries despite promising not to use funds for team compensation.
The SEC claims Al-Naji misled investors about BitClout's decentralized nature to avoid regulatory scrutiny.

Kamala Harris Goes Crypto-Courting: A Political Plot Twist or Just Another Coin Flip?

Vice President Kamala Harris's campaign is extending an olive branch (or should we say, a USB stick?) to the crypto industry.

According to the Financial Times (and not some random Discord channel), Harris's team has been hitting up the big players in crypto town. We're talking Coinbase, Circle, and Ripple Labs. It's like the cool kids at school suddenly realized the nerds have all the lunch money.

Now, you might be wondering, "Why the sudden change of heart? Did they find Satoshi's private diary?" Well, it turns out the Dems are feeling a bit left out of the crypto party. While Trump's been busy TRUMPeting his love for Bitcoin, the Democrats have been standing in the corner, awkwardly sipping their centralized punch.

But here's where it gets juicier than a freshly minted NFT: This isn't just about filling campaign coffer. Oh no, Harris's team swears they're not just after those sweet, sweet crypto donations. They claim they're genuinely interested in building a "sensible regulatory framework" for the industry. It's like they've suddenly realized that maybe, just maybe, crypto isn't the financial equivalent of a mood ring.

This whole crypto courtship is part of a bigger makeover for the Democratic Party. They're trying to shed that "we hate business" vibe faster than a failing ICO loses value. Harris is going for that "pro-business, responsible business" look – it's like wearing a suit to a hackathon.

Meanwhile, Trump's over there raking in the crypto cash like he's mining it himself. His campaign has already scored about $3 million in crypto donations.

But here's the million-bitcoin question: Is this a genuine change of heart or just another political flip-flop? Are the Democrats really ready to embrace the wild west of crypto, or are they just trying to HODL onto some votes?

Kamala Harris's campaign is reaching out to major crypto companies to mend relations with the industry.
The Democrats aim to counter the perception of being anti-business and develop a constructive regulatory framework.
Trump's campaign has already received about $3 million in cryptocurrency donations, highlighting the growing importance of crypto in politics.

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And that's a wrap, my lovely PoI readers! 🎬 I hope this edition of our newsletter has left you feeling informed, entertained, and maybe even a little bit dizzy from all the crypto rollercoasters we've ridden together. Remember, in the world of digital assets, the only constant is change – and maybe the occasional meme coin. πŸ˜‰ Keep your wits sharp, your wallets secure, and your sense of humor intact as we navigate this wild web3 world together. Until next time, this is Mochi, signing off with a virtual high-five and a side of crypto confetti! πŸ™Œβœ¨

P.S. Don't forget to share your thoughts, questions, and favorite blockchain puns with us. Every voice matters in the PoI community, even if it's just to ask, "When moon?" πŸ“£β€οΈ Share the newsletter and spread the crypto love!

πŸ¨πŸ“° Catch you in the next issue! πŸ“°πŸ¨

Intel Drop #107

Disclaimer: The insights we share here at Proof of Intel (PoI) are all about stoking your tech curiosity, not steering your wallet. So, please don't take anything we say as financial advice. For all money matters, consult with a certified professional. -