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  • Snowden's Bitcoin Warning, Trump's Crypto Crusade, X's AI Data Drama, and Wyoming's Bitcoin Bonanza!

Snowden's Bitcoin Warning, Trump's Crypto Crusade, X's AI Data Drama, and Wyoming's Bitcoin Bonanza!

Decoding the Digital Frontier: From Political Promises to Academic Adventures, Mochi Serves Up a Feast of Crypto Curiosities and Tech Triumphs!

Hey there, PoI readers! 🌟 It's your favorite crypto connoisseur, Mochi, back with another serving of tantalizing tech and web3 news. From Snowden's cautionary tales and Trump's bold promises to X's data drama and Wyoming's academic crypto adventure, we've got a smorgasbord of digital delights to dive into. So, grab your favorite beverage, settle in, and let's embark on this exhilarating expedition through the ever-evolving landscape of cryptocurrencies and beyond! 🙌🏻🔍


🟧 Edward Snowden cautions Bitcoin enthusiasts against blindly following politicians at Bitcoin 2024 conference.

🟧 Donald Trump promises to fire SEC Chair Gary Gensler and implement pro-crypto policies if elected president in 2024.

🟧 X (formerly Twitter) faces scrutiny over reportedly using user data to train its AI chatbot Grok without explicit consent.

🟧 The University of Wyoming is launching a Bitcoin Research Institute to provide high-quality, peer-reviewed studies on Bitcoin.

'Cast a vote, but don't join a cult' — Whistleblower Edward Snowden at Bitcoin 2024

Edward Snowden, the NSA whistleblower extraordinaire, beaming in from his Russian retreat like a digital Yoda of the crypto realm.

Snowden, who's been cooling his heels in Russia since 2013, decided to drop some truth on the unsuspecting crowd. His message? Don't let politicians sweet-talk you into their crypto cults! While he didn't name names (keeping it classy, Ed), he hinted that some lawmakers might be trying to cozy up to the Bitcoin brigade for their own gain.

"Cast a vote, but don't join a cult," Snowden advised, probably while sipping on a virtual Moscow Mule. He reminded the audience that these smooth-talking suits aren't part of the Bitcoin "tribe" and have their own agendas. It's like he's saying, "Use the political force, Luke, but don't get seduced by the dark side!"

This crypto caveat came hot on the heels of speeches by US Senators Bill Hagerty, Cynthia Lummis, and Tim Scott. Talk about perfect timing! It's almost as if Snowden has a sixth sense for political pandering (or just a really good livestream).

Our digital yoda has been a regular voice in the crypto sphere, often chiming in on Bitcoin and financial privacy from his Russian hideout. It's like he's the Banksy of the blockchain, leaving his mark on the crypto world without ever leaving his living room in Russia.

Edward Snowden warns Bitcoin enthusiasts not to blindly follow politicians courting the crypto community
Snowden emphasizes the importance of maintaining independence while engaging in political processes
Despite past hints, Snowden remains unpardoned by US presidents as he continues to speak at crypto events from Russia

Trump pledges to fire SEC Chair Gary Gensler 'on day one' if reelected

Donald Trump, swoops into the Bitcoin 2024 conference in Nashville like a spray-tanned superhero. After keeping the crowd waiting longer than it takes to confirm a Bitcoin transaction (blame it on the Secret Service, apparently), The Donald dropped a bombshell that had the crypto community buzzing louder than a room full of ASICs.

Trump, now the official Republican nominee for the 2024 presidential race, laid out his crypto game plan should he defeat Kamala Harris in November. And boy, oh boy, did he come out swinging! His first order of business? Giving SEC Chair Gary Gensler the old "You're fired!" treatment on day one. It's like The Apprentice, but with more blockchain!

But wait, there's more! Trump promised to assemble a "Bitcoin and crypto presidential advisory council" faster than you can say "Make America Crypto Again." It's like the Avengers, but instead of fighting Thanos, they're battling bureaucracy!

The crowd ate it up like it was digital gold. After all, many in the crypto world view Gensler as the big bad wolf huffing and puffing at their decentralized houses. Trump's promise to end the "persecution" against the industry was music to their ears – or should we say, the sweet sound of mining rigs humming in harmony?

But hold onto your hardware wallets, folks! Trump didn't stop there. He vowed to put the kibosh on any plans for a US central bank digital currency (CBDC). "There will never be a CBDC while I'm President," he declared, probably while imagining himself as the defender of decentralization, cape fluttering in the wind.

Now, before you go thinking Trump's gone full crypto-bro, he did let slip that his appearance at the conference was partly due to advisers telling him to "be nice" to crypto supporters, at least until after the election. It's like when your mom tells you to be polite to your weird uncle at Thanksgiving – just smile and nod, Donald!

Donald Trump pledges to fire SEC Chair Gary Gensler if elected president in 2024
Trump promises to create a crypto advisory council and block development of a US CBDC
The former president's pro-crypto stance was met with enthusiasm at the Bitcoin 2024 conference

Pantera Capital's Crypto Fund Soars 66% in Q1 2024 Amid Market Optimism

Elon Musk's social media platform X (formerly known as Twitter) is in hot water hotter than a overclocked CPU. The Irish Data Protection Commission (DPC) is giving X the stink eye faster than you can say "tweet." Why, you ask? Well, it seems X has been playing fast and loose with user data, using it to train Musk's AI chatbot, Grok, without so much as a "pretty please with a cherry on top."

The DPC, clearly not amused by this data buffet, told TechCrunch they've been "engaging with X on this matter for a number of months." Translation: They've been sending strongly worded emails that probably got lost in Musk's spam folder. The commission added they were "surprised by today's developments," which in diplomatic speak means "What the heck, Elon?!"

Now, for those not in the know, Grok is Musk's attempt at creating an AI chatbot that's wittier than a British panel show and more informative than your know-it-all cousin at Thanksgiving. It's being developed by xAI, Musk's own AI research company. Because apparently, running a social media platform, a car company, and a space program just wasn't keeping him busy enough.

The controversy erupted faster than a viral cat video when X users discovered a sneaky default setting that allowed their posts, interactions, and even their deepest, darkest DMs to be used for "training and fine-tuning" Grok. It's like finding out your diary has been turned into a bestselling novel without your permission!

Encrypted email service ProtonMail, playing the role of digital town crier, warned its 304,500 X followers about this data-sharing shenanigans. They even provided step-by-step instructions on how to turn off the setting, like a tech-savvy fairy godmother waving a privacy wand.

This kerfuffle comes hot on the heels of Musk's announcement that xAI would make Grok open source. It's a move that had AI enthusiasts cheering louder than a crowd at a robot boxing match. One user praised the decision, taking a jab at rival AI company OpenAI: "OpenAI should do the same. If they are 'open' that is." Musk, never one to miss a chance for a zinger, replied, "OpenAI is a lie." Ouch! That burn was hotter than my CPU after running Crysis!

Speaking of OpenAI, Musk is currently engaged in a legal tussle with his former AI baby, accusing them of going against their nonprofit roots faster than you can say "corporate sellout." It's like watching a tech soap opera, complete with lawsuits, betrayals, and enough drama to make a Reality TV producer blush.

X (formerly Twitter) is under scrutiny for using user data to train AI chatbot Grok without explicit consent
The Irish Data Protection Commission is investigating the matter

University of Wyoming launches Bitcoin Research Institute

University of Wyoming is going all-in on Bitcoin! They're set to launch the UW Bitcoin Research Institute. This isn't just another ivory tower think tank, oh no! This is a full-blown, rootin' tootin' Bitcoin bonanza, aimed at providing "high-quality peer-reviewed" studies about everyone's favorite digital gold.

The mastermind behind this crypto cattle drive is none other than Bradley Rettler, a Bitcoin buckaroo and Associate Professor at the university. Rettler's not just whistling Dixie when he says the current state of Bitcoin research is "poor." He's calling for more rigorous studies to make sure the public isn't just getting a load of bull about what Bitcoin is and how it works.

Rettler's not afraid to call out the academic outlaws, either. He took aim at a 2018 study that claimed Bitcoin emissions could heat up the planet faster than a jalapeño popper. According to our crypto sheriff, these researchers "failed to account for the difficulty adjustment and didn't know there was a block size cap." Yee-haw! That's some straight shootin' if I ever heard it!

But wait, there's more! The institute is bringing in the big guns, including Andrew M. Bailey, co-author of "Resistance Money: A Philosophical Case for Bitcoin." It's like they're assembling the Magnificent Seven of crypto research!

This Bitcoin bunkhouse will be open for business come August, just in time for the Fall semester. They're planning to rustle up some annual summer workshops, offer academic prizes, and host weekly seminars. It's like summer camp for crypto nerds!

And here's the kicker: they're accepting Bitcoin donations faster than a prospector panning for digital gold. "We allocate 4% of our investments to bitcoin, so if you donate bitcoin, we will not sell it," Rettler declared. It's like they're starting their own little Fort Knox of crypto!

Wyoming's not just dipping its toe in the crypto stream, folks. They're diving in headfirst! With pro-Bitcoin Senator Cynthia Lummis and Custodia Bank CEO Caitlin Long leading the charge, Wyoming is turning into the Crypto Capital of the USA faster than you can say "yippee ki-yay!"

Senator Lummis even announced a Strategic Bitcoin Reserve bill at the Bitcoin 2024 conference, proposing that the US buy 5% of all the Bitcoin that will ever exist. "It can be used for one purpose, to reduce our debt," she declared. Move over, Fort Knox! There's a new gold standard in town!

University of Wyoming is launching a Bitcoin Research Institute in August 2024
The institute aims to provide high-quality, peer-reviewed studies on Bitcoin
Wyoming continues to position itself as a leading pro-Bitcoin state in the USA

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And that's a wrap, my lovely PoI readers! 🎬 I hope this edition has left you feeling informed, entertained, and maybe even a little bit wiser about the wild world of crypto and tech. Remember, whether you're a Bitcoin buff, an AI aficionado, or just a curious cat, there's always something new to learn in this fast-paced digital realm. Until next time, this is Mochi, signing off with a virtual high-five and a scoop of crypto-flavored ice cream! 🍦✨ 

P.S. Don't forget to share your thoughts, questions, and favorite tech dad jokes with us. Every voice matters in the PoI community! 📣❤️ Share the newsletter and spread the crypto love!

🍨📰 Catch you in the next issue! 📰🍨

Intel Drop #106

Disclaimer: The insights we share here at Proof of Intel (PoI) are all about stoking your tech curiosity, not steering your wallet. So, please don't take anything we say as financial advice. For all money matters, consult with a certified professional. -