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  • Telegram Turmoil: Durov Detained, Rumble Retreats, and Tech Titans Take Sides!

Telegram Turmoil: Durov Detained, Rumble Retreats, and Tech Titans Take Sides!

From CEO arrests to platform exoduses, diplomatic dances to community outcries – we're bringing you the inside scoop on the tech world's latest soap opera!

Hey there, PoI readers! 🌟

It's your favorite crypto connoisseur, Mochi, back with another serving of tantalizing tech news. Today, we're diving deep into the Telegram drama that's got the whole tech world buzzing! From Pavel Durov's unexpected detention to Rumble's CEO playing international hide-and-seek, we've got a feast of digital intrigue for you. So, grab your favorite snack and let's unravel this web of tech tension together! 👮🚓


🟧 Telegram founder Pavel Durov was arrested in France on August 24, 2024, in connection with alleged violations by the encrypted messaging platform.

🟧 Telegram’s team has issued its first official statement regarding the detention of CEO Pavel Durov in France, expressing support and calling for a quick resolution.

🟧 French authorities are set to release a statement on August 26 regarding Telegram CEO Pavel Durov's detention.

🟧 Rumble CEO Chris Pavlovski claims he left Europe following the arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov and alleged threats from France.

Telegram Trouble: Founder Pavel Durov Detained in France

Pavel Durov, the mastermind behind Telegram, has found himself in a sticky situation. On August 24, French authorities decided to give Durov a surprise welcome at Le Bourget airport, north of Paris. It seems his private jet ride from Azerbaijan didn't end with the usual "merci beaucoup" but rather with a pair of handcuffs.

The plot thickens faster than a well-made ratatouille. France's L'Office Mineurs (OFMIN), the agency that keeps an eagle eye on crimes against minors, issued a search warrant that's got more layers than a mille-feuille. We're talking a smorgasbord of alleged offenses: fraud, drug trafficking, cyberbullying, and organized crime.

Now, before you start planning a #FreePavel rally, let's dish out some more details. Durov was expected to make a court appearance on August 25, potentially facing up to 20 years in the slammer.

Meanwhile, The Open Network (TON), Telegram's blockchain BFF, is claiming it's business as usual. They're standing by Durov like a loyal French bulldog, barking about freedom of speech and decentralization. How très chic of them!

Tech titans are weighing in too. Elon Musk, never one to shy away from a hashtag, threw his support behind Durov with a resounding #FreePavel. Ethereum's Vitalik Buterin called the situation "very bad and worrying," which in tech-speak is practically a declaration of war.

Pavel Durov, Telegram's founder, arrested in France on August 24, 2024
Charges include alleged platform violations related to fraud, drug trafficking, and cyberbullying
Tech bigwigs like Elon Musk and Vitalik Buterin have voiced concerns over the arrest

Telegram’s team Speaks Out on Durov's Detention

On August 25, at the stroke of high noon (PST), Telegram's official news channel dropped a stateement. In a move more anticipated than the unveiling of the Mona Lisa, Telegram finally addressed the elephant in the chat room: the detention of their beloved CEO, Pavel Durov.

Now, before you get too excited, let's be clear: this statement is about as illuminating as a candle in the Catacombs. Telegram's message essentially boils down to, "Nothing to see here, folks! Our CEO is just a globetrotting gadabout with a penchant for European travel." It's like they're trying to paint Durov as the Carmen Sandiego of the tech world, minus the red fedora and catchy theme song.

The Russian embassy is apparently getting the cold shoulder from French authorities, who are playing their cards closer to the chest than a high-stakes poker game in Monte Carlo. It's a diplomatic dance that's got more twists and turns than the Seine!

Now, for those of you keeping score at home, we're still in the dark about what exactly Durov's been charged with - if he's been charged at all! Is it lack of moderation on Telegram? Is it wearing white after Labor Day? The suspense is killing us!

But fear not, dear readers! The French authorities have promised to spill the beans on Monday, August 26. It's like waiting for the season finale of your favorite binge-worthy show, only with potentially real-world consequences and fewer CGI dragons.

So, as we wait with bated breath for the next episode in this tech-tastic telenovela, one thing's for sure: Telegram is standing by their man. Will Durov emerge unscathed? Will Telegram have to revamp its entire platform? Or is this all just a big misunderstanding, like accidentally ordering escargot when you meant to ask for the restroom?
Stay tuned to PoI, mes chéris! We'll be bringing you all the juicy details.

Telegram issued its first official statement on Pavel Durov's detention, asserting he "has nothing to hide"
French authorities have not cooperated with the Russian embassy regarding Durov's status
Official statement from French authorities expected on Monday, August 26

French Authorities to Break Silence and issue an statement on Durov's Detention

French authorities have announced they'll be dropping the mic on Monday, August 26, with an official statement about the Telegram CEO's detention. Talk about a cliffhanger!

Let's rewind a bit. On August 24, Durov was reportedly detained at a Paris airport, causing more buzz than a beehive in a flower shop. Initial reports painted a picture of arrests and serious charges, but as of August 25, the situation remains as clear as pea soup. Is Durov under arrest? Has he been charged? It's like trying to decode a message written in invisible ink!

The Washington Post has confirmed that Durov is indeed "detained," but beyond that, we're all just playing a high-stakes game of digital whisper-down-the-lane. Meanwhile, the Russian embassy is trying to get some face time with Durov, but apparently, the French authorities are playing hard to get. It's a diplomatic dance that would make even the most seasoned tango dancers dizzy!

In the crypto world, TON (The Open Network) took a nosedive, dropping faster than a baguette from the Eiffel Tower with a 12% dip. But fear not! The crypto community is rallying behind Durov like a digital army, with #FreeDurov trending on Social Media faster than you can say "blockchain."

Even the Twitterverse... err, X-verse... is abuzz with theories wilder than a mime's imagination. Like we said, earlier, that even, Elon Musk himself joined the #FreeDurov brigade, proving once again that tech billionaires stick together like melted cheese on a croque monsieur.

French authorities to issue statement on Durov's detention on August 26
Durov's arrest and potential charges remain unconfirmed
Russian embassy seeking access to Durov; French authorities not cooperating

Rumble CEO Plays It Safe: Exits Europe After Durov's Arrest

Chris Pavlovski, the big cheese at Rumble, has decided to make like a banana and split from Europe. On Sunday, August 25, Pavlovski took to X (formerly known as Twitter) to announce his hasty departure. Why the sudden wanderlust, you ask? Well, it seems our friend Chris is feeling a bit spooked by the recent arrest of Telegram's Pavel Durov in France. Talk about a domino effect!

According to Pavlovski, France has been giving Rumble the stink eye, even going so far as to "threaten" the platform. It's like a high-stakes game of playground politics, but with billion-dollar companies instead of marbles!

Now, let's rewind a bit. Rumble, the self-proclaimed "immune to cancel culture" video-sharing site, has had a bit of a rocky relationship with France. Back in November 2022, they gave French users the digital equivalent of a "talk to the hand," blocking access after a spat over Russian news sources. And don't even get them started on Russia – Pavlovski claims they got the boot from Putin's playground for not playing by their rules.

But wait, there's more! Pavlovski is now championing Durov's cause, fighting the good fight in French courts. It's like a tech-world version of the Three Musketeers, minus the fancy hats and swordplay.

Rumble CEO Chris Pavlovski claims he left Europe after Telegram CEO's arrest
Pavlovski says France "threatened" Rumble and "crossed a red line"
Rumble is fighting in French courts and hopes for Durov's immediate release

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And that's a wrap, my lovely PoI readers! 🎬 I hope this edition left you feeling informed, entertained, and maybe even a little bit like a digital detective. Remember, in the fast-paced world of tech, today's headlines are tomorrow's history books. Stay curious, stay informed, and keep those encryption keys close! Until next time, this is Mochi, signing off with a virtual high-five and a reminder to always read between the lines of code! 🙌✨ 

P.S. Don't forget to share your thoughts on this Telegram tangle. Every voice matters in the PoI community! 📣❤️ Share the newsletter and spread the digital love!

🍨📰 Catch you in the next issue! 📰🍨

Intel Drop #114

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