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  • Trump's buys Crypto Burgers, Louisiana's accepts Crypto, Solana's 'Meme Phone' 2.0, and X's $8K Hack Fiasco!

Trump's buys Crypto Burgers, Louisiana's accepts Crypto, Solana's 'Meme Phone' 2.0, and X's $8K Hack Fiasco!

From Presidential Purchases to State-Sponsored Satoshis, Mobile Meme Madness to Social Media Mayhem – We're Dishing Out the Digital Drama!

Hey there, PoI readers! 💫 

It's your favorite crypto connoisseur, Mochi, back with another serving of tantalizing tech and web3 news. From Trump's Bitcoin burger bash to Louisiana's crypto leap, Solana's new gadget, and a hackers' comedy of errors, we've got a wild mix to digest. So, grab your digital forks and knives, and let's dive into this crypto feast! 🌐🍔


🟧 Former US President Donald Trump uses Bitcoin to buy burgers at Pubkey, a Bitcoin-accepting bar in NYC, during a campaign stop.

🟧 Louisiana accepts its first cryptocurrency payment for a state service via Bitcoin's Lightning Network.

🟧 Solana unveils Seeker, a new crypto-focused smartphone, emphasizing it's more than just a "memecoin phone".

🟧 Crypto scammers hacked multiple high-profile X accounts to promote a Solana memecoin but only made about $8,000.

Trump Buys Burgers with Bitcoin in NYC Campaign Stop Shocker

On September 18, none other than Donald Trump, the man who once called Bitcoin a "scam," decided to give the cryptocurrency a taste test – quite literally!

The former US President and current Republican nominee made a surprise pit stop at Pubkey, a trendy New York City bar known for its Bitcoin-friendly ways. But this wasn't just any campaign event; it was a crypto-culinary adventure! Trump, used Bitcoin to purchase a stack of hamburgers.

Now, picture this: The Donald, surrounded by a mix of bewildered patrons and excited supporters, proudly handing out what he dubbed "crypto burgers." But wait, there's more! This Bitcoin burger bash wasn't just about satisfying hunger – it was a symbolic feast of epic proportions.

By making this transaction, Trump became the first former US president to use cryptocurrency in a public purchase. It seems the man who once thought digital currencies were "based on thin air" has had quite the change of heart. Or perhaps he's just hungry for those tech-savvy votes?

But let's not forget the bigger picture here. This burger-buying bonanza comes hot on the heels of Trump's announcement about launching his own token through the World Liberty Financial crypto platform. It's like he's gone from crypto skeptic to crypto evangelist faster than you can say "blockchain"!

Of course, this Bitcoin burger bash has left many scratching their heads. Was the transaction completed on the Lightning Network? Pubkey's tight-lipped marketing team isn't spilling the beans – or the special sauce, for that matter.

As the 2024 election looms just 48 days away, Trump's crypto moves are raising eyebrows and questions alike. Is this a genuine embrace of digital currency, or just a well-timed political appetizer? Only time will tell if these "crypto burgers" will help Trump flip more than just patties in the race for the White House.

Donald Trump used Bitcoin to buy burgers at a NYC bar, becoming the first former US president to use cryptocurrency in a transaction.
This move comes after Trump's recent launch of his own crypto token and marks a significant shift from his previous skepticism about cryptocurrencies.
The event highlights the growing intersection of cryptocurrency and politics as the 2024 US election approaches.

Louisiana Dives into Crypto Waters with First Bitcoin Payment

Hold onto your crawfish, folks! The great state of Louisiana has just dipped its toe into the crypto swamp, and it's making waves bigger than a gator's tail slap! In a move that's got everyone from the French Quarter to the bayou buzzing, Louisiana has officially accepted its first cryptocurrency payment for a state service. Talk about laissez les bon temps rouler... with Bitcoin!

This isn't just any old government decision; it's a full-on digital revolution with a Cajun twist. Louisiana State Treasurer John Fleming, in a Sept. 17 statement,  announced that residents can now pay for state services using Bitcoin, its speedy sidekick the Lightning Network, and the stablecoin USDC.

The state's first crypto payment has already zapped. The lucky recipient? The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries. Looks like even the catfish are getting in on the crypto craze!

Treasurer Fleming assures us that the state will still be dealing in good ol' fashioned greenbacks. The crypto payments get converted faster than a crawfish boil sells out on a Friday night.

Oh no, it's about fighting fraud and giving citizens more options than a po'boy menu. As Fleming puts it, they're not just innovating; they're providing "flexibility and freedom." It's like they're saying "y'all come" to the future of finance!

Of course, this didn't happen overnight. It took a whole gumbo pot of effort, including a digital assets working group and some serious legislative legwork. State Representative Mark Wright, the crypto-cajun mastermind behind this initiative, even led a resolution commending the mysterious Bitcoin creator, Satoshi Nakamoto. Talk about southern hospitality!

But don't think Louisiana's gone completely crypto-crazy. They've put their foot down when it comes to CBDCs (Central Bank Digital Currencies), giving them a firm "Non, merci!" It seems they prefer their digital currencies like they prefer their jazz – decentralized and with a lot of improvisation!

Louisiana has accepted its first cryptocurrency payment for a state service, using Bitcoin's Lightning Network.
The state now allows payments in Bitcoin, Lightning Network, and USDC for various government services.
This move aims to increase payment flexibility for citizens while protecting the state from cryptocurrency volatility through instant conversion to USD.

Solana Unveils Seeker Phone Promising More than Meme Rewards

Solana has just dropped its latest gadget – the Seeker smartphone. But before you start daydreaming about meme-fueled riches, let's get one thing straight: this isn't your average "memecoin phone."

Emmett Hollyer, the big cheese over at Solana Labs, wants you to know that Seeker is so much more than a ticket to the next BONK-like bonanza. It's a "rewards magnet" alright, but with ambitions higher than a bull market peak.

The Saga phone already rode the memecoin wave to glory But, Seeker is aiming to be the Swiss Army knife of crypto phones. It's not just about chasing the latest doggy-themed token; it's about embracing the whole crypto enchilada.

Solana unveiled Seeker at the TOKEN2049 conference. Source: Solana Mobile on X.

Hollyer, with the enthusiasm of a kid in a blockchain candy store, declares that Seeker will "enable all of the great use cases on the network." We're talking DeFi, payments, games, and yes, even those beloved memecoins. It's like they've stuffed the entire crypto universe into a pocket-sized device!

Seeker comes with some seriously juicy upgrades. We're talking a snazzier screen, cameras that could make an influencer weep with joy, and a battery that might actually last through a whole day of panic selling. It's "lighter, brighter, and better" – sounds like my dream date, to be honest.

Now, before you start camping outside your local tech store, here's the kicker: Seeker is half the price of its predecessor. That's right, Solana is practically giving these things away! Well, not quite, but at $450-$500, it's a steal for a device that promises to be your personal crypto concierge.

But here's the real secret sauce – Seeker's open and unrestricted DApp store. Hollyer's got visions of teams building "totally new experiences" quicker than you can mint an NFT.

Solana unveils Seeker, a new smartphone priced at $450-$500, half the cost of its predecessor.
The device aims to be a "rewards magnet" while supporting various crypto use cases beyond just memecoins.
Seeker features improved hardware and an open DApp store for rapid deployment of new applications.

X Account Hackers Fail to Cash In Big Despite Massive Breach

In a plot twist that would make even the most amateur of cyber-criminals facepalm, a group of crypto scammers pulled off what should have been the heist of the century on X (formerly Twitter). But instead of swimming in digital gold, they ended up with barely enough to buy a used bicycle.

On September 18, these digital desperados managed to breach several high-profile X accounts. We're talking big names like Lenovo India, Yahoo News UK, and even filmmaker Oliver Stone.

Now, here's where it gets interesting. Instead of the usual "Send BTC, get double back" nonsense, these hackers decided to go for the honesty approach. They boldly declared, "On each account we hack we publish the token address so we pump it and make profits together." It's like they were trying to start a hacker's book club, but with memecoins.

The token in question? A Solana-based memecoin aptly named HACKED. (Points for on-the-nose branding, I suppose.) But despite their best efforts to make this the next big thing in the crypto world, the results were about as impressive as a soggy french fry.

According to our favorite blockchain detective, ZachXBT, these cyber-not-so-masterminds barely scraped together $8,000. That's right, folks. All that effort, and they couldn't even afford a new car. They'd have better luck setting up a lemonade stand!

The HACKED token did have its 15 minutes of fame, pumping 900% in an hour before crashing harder than my attempts at explaining blockchain to my grandma. Currently, its market cap is hovering around $3,100 – barely enough to buy a high-end gaming PC. Oh, the irony!

While the details of how they pulled off this less-than-spectacular heist are fuzzy, ZachXBT suspects it might have something to do with permissions granted to a sketchy app or site. A reminder to all you X users out there: maybe it's time to clean up your app connections.

Crypto scammers hacked multiple high-profile X accounts to promote a Solana memecoin named HACKED.
Despite the large-scale hack, the scammers only managed to make about $8,000.
The incident highlights the ongoing security issues on social media platforms and the volatility of memecoins.

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And that's a wrap, my lovely PoI readers! 🎬 I hope this edition left you feeling informed, entertained, and maybe even a little hungry for more crypto adventures. Remember, whether you're buying burgers with Bitcoin or just trying to avoid getting HACKED, staying curious is the secret sauce! Until next time, this is Mochi, signing off with a virtual high-five and a side of crypto fries! 🙌✨

P.S. Don't forget to share your thoughts, questions, and favorite crypto puns with us. Every voice matters in the PoI community, even if it's just to say you're HODLing onto every word! 📣❤️ Share the newsletter and spread the crypto love faster than a Lightning Network transaction!

🍨📰 Catch you in the next issue! 📰🍨

Intel Drop #122

Disclaimer: The insights we share here at Proof of Intel (PoI) are all about stoking your tech curiosity, not steering your wallet. So, please don't take anything we say as financial advice. For all money matters, consult with a certified professional. -