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  • WazirX's $235M Hack, OpenAI's Mini Marvel, Cuban's Bitcoin Predictions, and Mt. Gox's Ghost in the Machine!

WazirX's $235M Hack, OpenAI's Mini Marvel, Cuban's Bitcoin Predictions, and Mt. Gox's Ghost in the Machine!

Hey there, PoI readers! 🌟

It's your favorite crypto connoisseur, Mochi, back with another serving of tantalizing tech and web3 news. From WazirX's jaw-dropping $235M hack and OpenAI's mini marvel to Mark Cuban's Bitcoin prediction and Mt. Gox's ghostly login attempts, we've got a smorgasbord of digital delights. So, grab your favorite beverage, settle into your comfiest chair, and let's dive into this week's crypto carnival! 🎡🔍


🟧Indian crypto exchange WazirX suffers a massive $235M hack, with funds moved and converted to Ether.

🟧 OpenAI launches GPT-4o mini, a cost-effective AI model offering comparable performance to larger models at a significantly lower price.

🟧Mark Cuban speculates that geopolitical instability and inflation could potentially drive Bitcoin to become a global reserve asset.

🟧Mt. Gox creditors report multiple unauthorized login attempts on their accounts, sparking fears of a potential cyberattack.

WazirX Suffers Massive $235 Million Hack in Ethereum Wallet

Indian crypto exchange WazirX has found itself in the middle of a financial fiasco that's got everyone from Mumbai to Manhattan scratching their heads.

Picture this: $235 million vanishing faster than your New Year's resolutions. That's right, WazirX's Safe Multisig wallet on Ethereum just got taken for a ride, and boy, was it a bumpy one! Web3 security firm Cyvers, playing the role of digital detective, spotted some "suspicious transactions" that would make even the shadiest of characters blush.

Now, here's where it gets juicy. The crafty culprit behind this crypto caper didn't just take the money and run. Oh no, they decided to play a game of digital hot potato, moving funds to a new address and swapping various tokens like they were trading cards at a playground.

Crypto sleuth ZachXBT annouced in a Telegram post. Apparently, the scammer still has over $104 million worth of goodies to offload. We're looking at a crypto smorgasbord here - Shiba Inu, Polygon, FLOKI, Fantom, Chainlink, Fetch.ai - it's like someone raided the alt-coin candy store!

In response to this digital disaster, WazirX has hit the pause button on withdrawals. They're "actively investigating the incident," which is corporate speak for "We're freaking out but trying to look calm.

The cherry on top of this crypto catastrophe? The hacker is playing a high-stakes game of token Tetris, converting $150 million of altcoins into Ether.

Why? Well, it seems Ether is the slippery fish of the crypto world - no built-in freezing mechanism. It's like trying to catch a greased pig at a county fair, only with a lot more zeros involved.

WazirX, an Indian crypto exchange, got hacked for a whopping $235 million.
The hackers are converting stolen altcoins to Ether, likely to avoid funds being frozen.
WazirX has suspended withdrawals while they investigate the security breach.

OpenAI Launches Cost-Effective GPT-4o Mini with Comparable Performance

OpenAI has just dropped a pint-sized powerhouse into the AI arena, and it's got everyone's circuits buzzing. Say hello to GPT-4o mini, the new kid on the block that's proving good things really do come in small packages.

On July 18, OpenAI unleashed this digital David to take on the Goliaths of the AI world. And boy, does it pack a punch! According to the tech wizards at OpenAI, this mini marvel is "an order of magnitude more affordable than previous frontier models" and "more than 60% cheaper than GPT-3.5 Turbo."

But don't let the "mini" fool you. This pint-sized prodigy isn't just cheaper; it's smarter too. OpenAI claims it "surpasses GPT-3.5 Turbo and other small models on academic benchmarks across both textual intelligence and multimodal reasoning." In other words, this little AI that could is outperforming its bigger siblings while sipping energy like it's on a digital diet.

Now, you might be wondering, "What's the catch?" Well, for now, GPT-4o mini is a text and vision virtuoso, with audio and video capabilities still in the oven.

However, before we start planning the AI energy revolution, let's pump the brakes a bit. OpenAI is being tighter-lipped than a clam about how exactly they've achieved these cost savings. Is it actual energy efficiency, or just a better deal for end-users? The jury's still out on that one.

Meanwhile, in the grand OpenAI soap opera, there's never a dull moment. While they're busy launching mini models, rumors are swirling about a new AI called "Strawberry" that's supposedly even smarter than GPT-4o. And if that wasn't enough drama for you, the SEC might be eyeing OpenAI with more interest than a cat watching a fish tank, thanks to some whistleblower action.

OpenAI launches GPT-4o mini, a more affordable AI model with performance comparable to larger models.
The new model is significantly cheaper to run while maintaining high performance in text and vision tasks.
OpenAI faces potential SEC investigation amid rumors of developing even more advanced AI models.

Mark Cuban Speculates Bitcoin Could Become Global Reserve Asset

In a move that's about as subtle as a neon sign in a library, Mark Cuban, the billionaire with a penchant for disruption, has speculated that Bitcoin might just become the world's new favorite piggy bank. Why, you ask? Well, it's a potent cocktail of geopolitical jitters and inflation that would make even the most seasoned economist reach for the antacid.

Cuban, whose net worth of $5.4 billionin 2024 could probably buy a small country, isn't just whistling Dixie here. He's pointing to a perfect storm of factors that could send Bitcoin to the moon.

First up, we've got Silicon Valley potentially cozying up to former President. Cuban sees this as a potential "Bitcoin play" from the tech bigwigs. It's like watching a high-stakes poker game where the chips are made of silicon and the pot is filled with digital gold.

Then there's the geopolitical merry-go-round that's got everyone's heads spinning. Add in some promised tax cuts that could make inflation balloon like a tech startup's valuation, and voila! You've got a recipe for Bitcoin supremacy that would make even the most hardened crypto skeptic sit up and take notice.

But wait, there's more! Cuban's not alone in this crypto crusade. Former House Speaker Paul Ryan is singing the praises of stablecoins as the dollar's knight in shining armor. It's like watching a financial soap opera where the dollar is the damsel in distress and stablecoins are the unexpected hero.

Meanwhile, in the real world, countries like Venezuela and Argentina are embracing cryptocurrencies. With inflation rates that make your eyes water (we're looking at you, Argentina, with your casual 276% annual rate), it's no wonder folks are treating Bitcoin like it's the last lifeboat on the Titanic.

Now, before you go mortgaging your house to buy Bitcoin, remember that Cuban isn't saying this will definitely happen. It's more like he's playing financial Nostradamus, peering into his crystal ball (probably a holographic one, because, you know, tech) and sharing what he sees.

Mark Cuban speculates Bitcoin could become a global reserve asset due to geopolitical instability and inflation.
Countries with high inflation like Venezuela and Argentina are increasingly turning to cryptocurrencies.
The idea of digital assets as a hedge against economic instability is gaining traction globally.

Mt. Gox Creditors Face Multiple Unauthorized Login Attempts

Over the last 24 hours, the Mt. Gox creditors' subreddit has been buzzing like a beehive that's been poked with a stick. Users are reporting more login attempts on their accounts than a teenager trying to guess their parent's Netflix password.

Imagine being a Mt. Gox creditor, minding your own business, perhaps daydreaming about the crypto fortune you might one day reclaim. Suddenly, your inbox is bombarded with login notifications like a digital avalanche. One poor soul reported receiving 15 notifications in rapid succession. Talk about an unwanted digital wake-up call!

Screenshot of a Redditor’s email attempt logins to Mt. Gox’s claim filing system in the r/mtgoxinsolvency subreddit. Source: Reddit

Now, the million-Bitcoin question is: Is this a full-blown cyberattack, or just a glitch in the Matrix? Some creditors are convinced it's a "brute-force" attack, which is hacker-speak for "let's try every password combination until something works". Others are optimistically chalking it up to a website hiccup. Either way, it's got creditors more on edge than a cat at a dog show.

The situation has sparked a wave of crypto gallows humor. One Redditor quipped, "It seems we are re-goxxed," which is both hilarious and horrifying if you're a Mt. Gox creditor. It's like being told you've won the lottery, only to find out you've actually won a second round of financial anxiety.

But here's the real head-scratcher: Why now? As one astute Redditor pointed out, "The coins are already at Kraken." It's like trying to rob a bank vault after the money's been moved. Are these potential hackers using Internet Explorer and just got the memo about Mt. Gox? Or is there something more sinister afoot?

Mt. Gox creditors report multiple unauthorized login attempts on their accounts.
Fears of a potential "brute-force" cyberattack are rising among the creditors.
The motive for the potential attack remains unclear, as the coins are reportedly already moved to Kraken.

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And that's a wrap, my lovely PoI readers! 🎬 I hope this edition left you feeling informed, entertained, and maybe even a little dizzy from all the twists and turns in the crypto world. Remember, in the land of digital assets, the only constant is change - and maybe the occasional hack. 😅 Keep your passwords strong, your wits sharp, and your sense of humor intact. Until next time, this is Mochi, signing off with a virtual fist bump! 👊✨

P.S. Don't forget to share your thoughts, questions, and favorite crypto jokes with us. Every voice (and every laugh) matters in the PoI community! 📣❤️ Share the newsletter, spread the joy, and keep the crypto conversation going!

🍨📰Catch you in the next issue!📰🍨

Intel Drop #104

Disclaimer: The insights we share here at Proof of Intel (PoI) are all about stoking your tech curiosity, not steering your wallet. So, please don't take anything we say as financial advice. For all money matters, consult with a certified professional. -